Your Story, Your Targeted Audience, Your Impact

Virtual Press Interview

Important Notice:

We have a top-notch team of Journalists that will be conducting thorough research on you and your brand. However, this interview is a critical piece of our process - please take your time in answering these questions and give us as much information as possible.

- Viral Boost PR


How long does it typically take to complete the interview?

The time required varies, but most customers finish the form within 15-45 minutes. Providing thorough responses helps expedite the content creation process.

Can I save my progress and come back to the interview later?

Unfortunately you will be unable to save your progress due to privacy reasons. Please make sure you set a minimum of 30 minutes to thoroughly complete your interview.

What if I don't have an answer for a particular question?

If you're unsure about a question or don't have an answer, you can leave it blank or write "Not applicable." However, the more information you can provide, the better our team of journalists will be able to craft your campaign.

It's not letting me upload images, what do I do?

If for some reason you are unable to upload your images or if you have more images you want to send, simply email them to your current point of contact with the subject line "Interview Form Images"

Complete Your Press Interview Below:

Article/Press Release Images:

If you have trouble uploading your image(s), please send it via email to your point of contact with the subject line: "Interview Form Images"


This virtual media interview is on the record.

If there is anything you would like to share off the record, please let us know. Before we publish anything, we will share with you the written drafts so that you can check that the facts are accurate and the quotes accurately reflect what you want to portray.

All articles and press releases are carefully researched in order to make the biggest impact. However, this interview will allow our team of publicists to gain massive awareness into what you would like to communicate and any preferences you may have. Please take your time in answers these interview questions.

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